Saturday, May 11, 2013

Good News

Many of you know I've been losing weight unintentionally.  In the fall I started to keep track of my weight loss.  I was hoping to see a pattern or some clue to help me figure out what is going on.  I realized about a week ago that I've been writing the same number for awhile. Looking back into the log I noticed I've finally stopped losing weight and have leveled out.  For about a month now I've  weighed pretty much the same.  Praise the Lord!  This is an answer to prayer. 

I still have some other things that need looking into.  I have a scope scheduled to look at my upper GI in a few weeks.  I would appreciate prayers on that.  I'm a little nervous.  However my weight stabling is a huge step in the right direction.

I'm looking forward to start exercising and getting healthy.  I want to be stronger and have more energy.  I want to be able to do anything God calls me to do.  I also want to be a good example for my children. 

God has really been taking care of me and helping me through everything.  I feel such peace knowing my Heavenly Father has been walking ahead of me.  A few of you have been asking how I've been so I wanted to post this so we could all rejoice together.          

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