Monday, April 22, 2013

Rainy days

Resting in the arms of the Almighty. What a quiet place to rest. Listening to the soft rains outside. It may seem dreary out there but it's preparation for a better day, a greener day. Growth happens under the heavy clouds. The sun is still there and will shine upon us again. Although it is shining on us now or there wouldn't be daylight. Sometimes we warm ourselves in the sun's rays but other times we grow under the cold spring rains. Both are needed to keep things in harmony.

I'm finding myself learning to beside still waters. To be still and know God is at work. Fighting for me. Birthing His purposes into being for me. It's easy to get distracted by the busyness and brokeness of the world. It's easy to get down in the grayness of rainy days.

I'm clothing myself in the love of the Almighty.
I find security in Him.
I'm turning in caring what others think of me for who God says I am.
I'm trading in my fears as I wait for His full healing touch to be revealed in my life.

I am honored to rest in the quietness of the beauty of God.
His love and peace surround me like a royal robe.
I am honored to be loved by the King of kings. His love is never failing. He is ever faithful to me. Praise be to God.

I'm in a different season...a necessary season. I write this as I am waiting on the Lord to fulfill many promises He has given me. One being the healing of my body. In the waiting I could so easily get depressed and doubt, just as many of us wonder when we will ever see a sunny spring day. Yet I know the sunshine is coming. Joy is coming. My testimony is far beyond anthing I put in this blog. I'm looking forward to the day I can say all the Lord had done and is doing. He is good. He is faithful.

We can choose how to look at these cold, rainy days. They are either dreary and a pain or they are promises of growth at the dawn of a new season.    

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