Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Happy Mother

I feel so privileged to be called mom.  In the business of raising four kids it's easy to take being a mom for granted.  Today I was recalling how gracious the Lord has been to me as a mother.  My first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage and was very hard on me.  Then I was blessed with my oldest daughter.  A couple years later her father and I divorced.  I was raised not to divorce and that if you did you never thought about getting remarried again.  I guess I thought I would get zapped with a pillar of fire or something.  So I never thought I'd have more then my daughter. 

The Lord was gracious to me and gave me a second chance at marriage and having my own family.  He gave me a wonderful man who loves Christ.  With that blessing the hope of more children.  My next pregnancy (this would be my 3rd pregnancy) also ended in miscarriage. 

A few months later I became pregnant again.  Then I started having problems and thought I was losing this one too.  I went to the ER with mixed emotions.  I was angry and scared.   I had my husband call the prayer chain at church and prayers began for me.  The ER did an ultrasound on me and not to far into it they turned the monitor my direction so I could see the baby.  There was my peanut with his little heart beating steady, completely unaware of the chaos outside his little world.  The ER Dr. gave me some progesterone and it worked for me.  That is how my oldest son came in the world.  God has a special destiny for that little man!  

My 5th pregnancy also ended as a miscarriage but only a few months later I became pregnant again.  Pregnancy 6 I had another beautiful little girl.  I had to give her the middle name of Joy because of the joy her dad and I have to have her. 

Pregnancy #7 I was scared and really had to lean on God.  After all my pattern was to miscarry every other.  My mind became a battlefield as I would hear the enemy dart fear at me daily.  Yet my faithful Lord would remind me He is in control and that is NOT the destiny He has for this child!  I did a lot of leaning on God and my faith grew as did my pregnant body :)  We were blessed with a beautiful baby boy and I will always treasure the promises God has given me for this child.

Through this whole process of losing and having children I've learned to treasure each of the children I hold even more.  It taught me what a gift children are.  It also taught me that no matter how the situation turns out, God is the same yesterday, today and forever.  That I can always lean on Him.  He will always be there to comfort me, to guide me and give me the strength I need for each new day.  That God loves me always and not to judge how much God loves us on our circumstances but to rely on faith that God's love is always there for me. 

I am thankful for the four I hold and comforted at knowing Jesus is holding my other three and when I get to heaven, I'll have three precious children greeting me. 

He gives the childless woman a family, making her a happy mother.  Praise the LORD!  Psalm 113:9

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