Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The love and faith of a child

Last night I came home from MOPS and the kids were in their jammies, about to go to bed.  I got to the middle of the room before one of the kids saw me and announced to the others, "Mommy's home!"  At the same time all four said, "Mommy!" and ran towards me and gave me a big hug.  Here I was in the middle of this big hug with a child in front, behind, one to the left and the right.  I felt so loved.  My heart melted. 

These kiddos know me very well.  They see me when I get angry and when I'm forgetful.  They know I don't keep my house in perfect order and they don't care.  They know I love them and take care them. Children love so unconditionally.  I want to love like that! 


The other day I was explaining to my kids why we have Thanksgiving.  Then I asked each of them to tell me something they are thankful for. When we got to my 5yr old son he said, "I'm thankful that you are going to get better because I prayed about that in my bed."  He was referring to a cold I've had for weeks that he's heard my husband praying about.  I was so proud and a little surprised at how confident he was that this was a matter-of-fact.  I could see the absolute faith of this child.  Not a shadow of doubt in him.  I then remember what Jesus said about recieving the kingdom of God like a child. (Matthew 10:14-15)  That's mountain moving faith.  May my children always have that kind of faith.        

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