Sunday, December 2, 2012

When troubles seem like impossible walls

Our troubles can sometimes look so overwhelming, so impossible that whenever we look around all we can see are walls.  We feel like we're trapped.  Like this situation cannot be overcome.  For those of us who cast our cares on the Lord and trust Him we do just that.  Except let's face it, often we try to control the situation ourselves and even though we know we need to give those things over to the Lord, we sometimes take back the troubles we've given Him.  As if He can't handle them on His own or maybe we think our way is better. 

Have you ever seen a picture or documentary on TV about termites?  They make HUGE homes that are well over six to thirty feet tall and as hard as concrete.  God has enabled these creatures to make a solution that when mixed with dirt becomes very hard.  Seemingly impenetrable. 

Have you ever felt about as big as ant or termite in comparison to a situation you are dealing with in life?  Your problem is as big as a termite home.  To a little critter like that, six to thirty feet has to be amazingly high.  In our minds the walls of our situation are so impossible that sometimes even those of us with faith want to try and "help" God fix it.  We get anxious if we can't see or think of a solution to our situation. 

Now let's take another perspective.  First of all, as humans we look at that termite mound and are impressed with the determination and creation of these critters and though the mound is large, it isn't HUGE in comparison to the size of a person.  It is hard as concrete but man has made tools that can break apart concrete with ease.  We know this mound is not impenetrable. 

 Let's go one step more.  God, Our Father, Savior, Redeemer, Healer, Comforter, Restored of my soul, ….Creator.  Just a few names of my awesome Lord and Savior.  Think about all those names and what that entails.  No one can save the soul.  That's impossible for man but possible for God.  Not only possible but completed because salvation is for all those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.  "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved." Acts 16:31  There's only one Savior.  He is also the Creator.  How awesome are His creations.  From the small termite that can make huge mounds to the depths of the oceans.  So deep that some areas can not be explored by man, to the awesome ends of the universe.  I love the grandeur of the universe.  How wonderful are the stars and the planets and the harmony which they move.  I am left in awe and wonder time and time again as I think about how precisely God placed our planet so we wouldn't burn up, freeze, or fly off the planet.  Such precision and genius in nature.  What a magnificent God we serve!

Now, what was that about your problem again?  How impossible does that wall look?  You may be like a termite in your situation but to God your wall looks like a molecule.  He sees all of time and space.  He IS the very breath of life you breathe.  If you are a child of God you better believe He's got your back!  That does not guarantee that things will go exactly as you planned or hoped but if you allow God it will go exactly as He desires and THAT will give Him all the glory.

 May nothing in my life be done in vain.  May no storm or valley I walk through be done for nothing but may everything, EVERY fiber of my soul, every breath I breathe be for God's glory.  So that others can see Christ shine and grow closer to God because of it.  This is my prayer as I, like many of you, wonder about a life situation, a "wall" that faces me.  What, my friend, will you ever face that God can not handle?  Is there anything Jesus won't face for you?  No precious child of God, there is nothing God will not face for you.  Are you willing to do what Jesus wants you to do?  Let go of your fear and trust Him.  The one who holds the galaxies in His hands also holds you.       

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