Friday, November 16, 2012

Weight loss

Well, there goes another pound.  Most people would say, "Good job"  "That's great."  Not this time.  I've been losing weight for the last year and don't know why.  Only within the last few weeks did I realize it was a problem.  I knew I was losing weight but just laughed it off.  Most people would love to have my "problem".  A few weeks ago it's like God started tapping me on the shoulder to look into this.  Up til that point it never dawned on me this could be a health issue.  I went to the Dr. last week and he ran some blood tests, all of which came back fine.  We sent two more tests in today.  When you look at all the things it could be it can be daunting...downright scary. 

In late October I went to women's retreat with some ladies from church.  The presence of the Lord was awesome!  One thing He kept telling me is, "There is no where you can go where I will not be."  That reminder brings me comfort cause honestly, I've been scared several times the last few weeks.  At times I just wanted to call someone and say,"I'm scared.  Help!"  I've wanted someone to take me by the hand and assure me they are there. 

My husband has been awesome.  He's been there for me many times.  Sometimes just a hug, other times he's been on the phone with medical personal and digging into things.  There's been several at my church who've showed concern and are praying.  Thank you so much!  It means alot to me to know you care. 

Now this could be as little as stress or it could be something bigger.  The unknown is hard.  If I knew what it was I could deal with it but not knowing is hard.  My comfort comes in knowing God is with me, He'll never forsake me.  He's my Great Physician and knows exactly what's going on.  He is my Healer.  My help, my peace, my strength, the solid rock on which I stand.  This may feel bigger then me but my God is WAY bigger then this.  He is everything...everything I need.  Trouble comes when I take my eyes off of Him for even a moment.  I won't superspiritualize it.  That doesn't mean I don't get scared.  I do and I think that's normal and okay.  As long as I'm not doubting who God is. 

A few days ago I weighed myself and was so excited because I gained two pounds.  Then I lost one of those pounds.  Just now I weighed myself again and not only lost the other pound but an additional one as well.  That means this is the lightest I've been.  I weigh less then I did in high school.  I've lost 27lbs this year and don't know why.  All prayer warriors and friends please pray!  #1 Pray I find answers.  We've found many things it's not and praise the Lord for that.  I would like to know what it is and how to fix it.  #2 Pray for healing. I know God heals.  Now is not a time to debate on healing.  Now is a time to know people care and to pray. I believe God has given man the wisdom about the body we know as medical science and I believe sometimes He uses that to heal.  I will not limit what God can do or how He does it.  #3 Pray also for peace of mind on my husband and I and that we keep our eyes focused on God and not the situation.  Thank you all so much for praying.  It means so much.    

1 comment:

  1. Please know that You will be in my prayers... If you need anything please let me know!!!
