Monday, November 19, 2012

God provides

Since I've been losing weight lately my clothes are big on me. We don't have money to buy new clothes so I use belts to keep my pants on. I prayed for clothes but felt a little silly because I feel like I have so much, how could I ask for more.

About a month ago my sister noticed how lose my clothes were. She thought she had some clothes that might fit so she sent me a box a few days ago. I tried them on and most of them fit nicely. Then I remembered my sister-in-law gave me some clothes almost a year ago. She is a small, petite lady so when I looked at the sizes I just laughed and said I'll NEVER fit into that but they were good quality clothes, so I decided to keep them for my oldest daughter to grow into in a few years. I pulled the two boxes of clothes out of the closet and tried them on. At least half of them fit me. I was happy to have clothes.  God knew almost a year ago I would need these clothes and sent them my way. It's so awesome how He provides our every need, sometimes before we know we need it.

There are so many times He's provided for Marc and I and we stood amazed.  This house is one of them and I can't tell you how many Christmas' He's provided presents for us or how many times we've recieved food or school supplies from generous people.  I'm also thankful He's provided friends and family members who are there to pray for us or just chat with when we need.  You all mean so much to me.  One of my love languages is quality time so when people take the time to tell me they care or hang out with me, it means so much.  Thanks to all of you who have, are and will. 

Oh how generous and gracious our Lord was!  He filled me with the faith and love that comes from Christ Jesus.  I Timothy 1:14

Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than we all ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!  Amen.  Ephesians 3:20-21

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