Thursday, June 28, 2012


     After my husband and I got home from bible study my husband noticed something between the windshield and the console of our car.  It was a dragonfly that got stuck.  He was already dead, possibly from the 106 temps we had.  He took the dragonfly out, amazingly in one piece, and brought it in the house.  He thought the kids would like to see it.  My oldest daughter loves animals and science so she was all over this.  She looked at it under a magnifying glass and we listed on the board what she observed.  ( I was observing she was doing some school and didn't know it because she was having so much fun. LOL)  The last thing she mentioned was that the dragonfly no longer had any color because it was dead and dragonflies lose their color when they die.  I've never heard that before.  I asked my daughter, "Is that true?"  She said, "I think so.  Just like flowers lose their color when they die."  So we dug in and did research on dragonflies to see if it was true.  They are an amazing creation.  Each time I research things like this with my daughter I get so amazed at how God made every little thing in nature.  Nature can be beautiful, powerful, captivating, marvelous, mysterious, …  I marvel at the works of His hands. 
     Come to find out it is true.  Just like flowers, dragonflies lose their color when they die and rather quickly too.  I immediately saw a correlation between this and our walk with the Lord Jesus.  When we are living our lives for Him we shine with His beauty.  People marvel at the beauty of Christ in us.  As soon as we walk in death or sin, because the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23), then we lose that beautiful color and turn ashy and black.  No longer attracting others as the Son reflects off us. Just like the flowers that are radiant in color and fragrance.  As soon as death/sin comes the flowers crumble and blow away with the wind.
     In this dark and hurting world people are longing for natural beauty that comes only from a life of someone faithfully walking with the Lord.  As we live a life of love we will be sweet smelling to the Lord (Ephesians 5:2) and reflect the mercy and grace Christ gave us at the cross. 
     Oh that we would marvel at the awesomeness of God's creation.  With that in mind remember that you are more important to God then any of His other creations.  You are the crown of all He made.  If this depresses you take heart.  God holds many beautiful colors for you to shine with for Him as you walk closer to Him.  He so desires to clothe you with colors that are far more marvelous than any flower or dragonfly. 

     In the same way let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise you Father in heaven. 
                                     Matthew 5:16     

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Years the locusts have eaten...

            "I will restore to you the years that the swarming locusts has eaten..."  Joel 2:25

       I have little children now though I'm in my mid-thirties.  Many people think my husband and I are in our twenties because we look young and have young children.  The truth is we have an amazing God who is faithful to His promises.
     I used to be upset when people thought I was younger then what I am.  I figured they thought I was unwise.  I took it as a slam to my character.  Recently God changed my thinking and I've come to understand this actually shows how awesome God's character is - to redeem me, restore me, and set me on His path.  The Lord has restored to me the years that the enemy tried stealing from me, whether it was from unwise choices on my part or circumstances I found myself in.  The Lord has given those back to me and a 2nd chance at marriage and a family.  This is a picture of what God does for His people.  How He is faithful to His promises.

     Forgive me Lord of my selfishness and pride for thinking this was about me.  Thank you for your amazing power of restoration.  My life is more then I ever imagined and getting better with each day as you refine me.

    How great is our God!!!


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Out of the mouths of babes

My 3yr old daughter has learned that Jesus loves her and it's impressed strongly on her.  Often, almost daily, she'll say "Jesus loves me".  Yes He does we say.  It's so sweet how she is captivated by His love.  The other day she said "Jesus loves me"  "Jesus coming back?" she asked. 
"Yes He is." I said
"He is?"  My 5yr old son said a bit surprised
"Yes, He is." I said
"For real?" He said
"For real.  Someday Jesus is coming back for us and we'll see Him."  I explained.
He pondered a bit then a smile grew across His face "Cool!" He said.
Now my daughter keeps saying, "Jesus loves me.  Jesus is coming back." 
God will get His message across, even if it's out of the mouths of babes.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Adjusting to Change

It's been an adjustment for me to get up early and have true quiet time with the Lord.  I LOVE my quiet time but I have to get used to getting up early faithfully and getting to bed earlier so the morning isn't so rough.  Have to be honest.  I haven't gotten up at 6:30 each morning.  I'm learning I should get up earlier then I originally thought.  I truly cherish quiet time with the Lord and haven't given myself enough time.  For this girl who's never been a morning person, this is amazing.  I used to think they should make it illegal to have to get up to early.  The Lord gave me Jeremiah 33:3 as a promise for me.  "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."  I love it, especially since I've had so many questions for the Lord lately (mainly questions on direction). 

I've also gotten sick and tired of my stomach hurting constantly.  I've asked the Lord to heal me and I've been discovering the root of why my stomach hurts so much.  It's been this way since I was a teen, at least.  There are many roots but the first one the Lord is having me deal with is my diet.  I'm trying to eat healthy.  Not only is this a gift for me but also for my family.  A healthier me is a happier me and I can teach my children how to eat healthy so they will no longer suffer the same stomach issues.  It's been helping which is wonderful.  Adjusting your diet and your sleep is not easy though.  I've been learning the meaning of self-discipline.  It's hard to do changes that effect your lifestyle, your whole day.  That's what God wants from us though.  If He is truly going to be the Lord of our lives we must give Him every part.  Including sleep and diet.  There should be no area of our lives that we tell the Lord He cannot have.  It's not about the sacrifices we make, it's about obedience.  "To obey is better then sacrifice." II Samuel 15:22  It's a process of cleansing not only our minds and spirits but our bodies too.  As a result God's purpose for us can be lived out with more energy and effectiveness.  Easy to say, not easy to do.  I know some of my friends are also striving to be healthier.  I'll be sure to pray for you and encourage you to keep on keeping on.  Be sure to do this to set yourself apart for the Lord and don't let anything take your focus off of Jesus. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I've known for years that being sure to spend time with the Lord and reading the bible is very important to my Christian walk.  Without it there really isn't much of a walk.  But for years I had struggled with being consistent in my daily bible reading.  Finally I was able to get my bible reading to 5 days a week.  (Saturdays and Sundays I didn't usually get to it)  For awhile I would read my bible while eating breakfast.  That worked for a few years.  I figured while I strengthen myself physically I would strengthen myself spiritually.  After the birth of my fourth child I was able to spend time when the baby was taking a morning nap which was about an hour after breakfast.  This was a good habit to be in however, I had little ones running around and would have to stop often to clear a squabble or dry tears from a boo-boo.  I asked the Lord to give me grace as I did what I could to spend time in His Word.  I believe He did and was happy at my hunger for His Word. 

At a women's bible study I went to a few weeks ago, a women was talking about how she has been spending more time with the Lord and it has been glorious.  She'll spend up to a couple hours reading the Word, praying and praising God.  She said the Lord wakes her up at 3:30 AM and has been for quite some time now but only in the past few months has she actually gotten up.  I was thinking what you're probably thinking. 3:30 AM!!!  That's really early!  Spending time with the Lord sounds great but sleep is nice too. 

It was only a couple days after that I realized God has been waking me up early and wanting me to get up to spend time with Him as well.  Thankfully NOT 3:30 AM though. J  It's more like 6:30 or 6:45.  I never wanted to get up because I didn't want to wake the kids.  I cherish the quite moments when my kids are sleeping.  Especially all of them at the same time.  However, I remember looking at my journals I've been keeping for the last 12yrs and I saw a reaccuring theme of the Lord wanting me to get up and spend time with Him in the morning.  Getting up first thing is giving Him the first fruits of our time for that day.  God wants our first fruits.  Not just the time we have left over or whenever we can squeeze Him in our overpacked schedule.  Jesus got up early in the morning and secluded himself from others to pray. (Mark 1:35, Luke 4:42)  He knew the importance of spending time with the Lord early in the morning.  I had to ask myself what do I cherish more, spending time with the Lord and taking the chance at waking up the kids or sleeping in.  So a few days ago I got up.  I said, "Lord, if I get up and spend time with you will you please keep the kids asleep."  It's only been a few days but He has granted me that prayer.  It's been amazing how much better I can hear the Lord speak to me.  I can organize my thoughts and everything seems much clearer without the interruptions.  So much more can get accomplished in a smaller amount of time.  I've also found that the time I used to have set aside for bible reading I can now do housework or spend time with the kids.  It seems weird having that space in there now and quite honestly I really don't miss the sleep that much.  I do have to be sure to get to bed at a reasonable time or it will effect me in the morning. 

This morning my husband and I both got up and read our bibles on our own and a little of the books we're reading.  After that I slipped outside.  It was so beautiful sitting out there.  The warmth of the sun felt so nice.  Not to warm, just right.  The green grass and trees, the blue sky and the squirrels and birds chattering in the trees.  It was a wonderful way to wake up.  It cleared my mind and made me so thankful for all the Lord has given me. Speaking from the heart of a stay-at-home and homeschooling mom, I strongly encourage all moms to take some time out early in the morning for the Lord which in return refreshes you.  If you have to, go for a walk if that's possible.  Just as long as your spending time in God's word and making Him the Lord of every part of your life.  That includes giving Him the first fruits of your time.  Forgive yourself if you don't always get up when you should and know His mercies are new every morning.  Just start fresh the next morning. 

I would love it if you could pray for me to be faithful at getting up every morning and spending time with the Lord.  I believe I will come to cherish the mornings.  I already do but I'm sure I will more and more and I believe you will cherish your morning times with Him as well.         

Monday, June 4, 2012

Sticky as play-doh

My children were playing with play-doh and my 3year old daughter had found something more interesting to do so she walked away leaving her play-doh on her desk. I walked in the room and saw she had one color broken into a lot of pieces. I could tell if they sat there much longer they'd dry out. So I squished them together to make one clump. Then I realized that's like us Christians. When we are off on our own we will quickly dry up but in unity we can hold each other together, keep each other from drying out. We become soft, moldable and sticky again. Our brokenness is healed. That's not just going to church but getting plugged in with people in the body of Christ. Summer is a great time to get together, enjoy life together and encourage each other.  Have a great summer!