Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Let's get Cookin'

Those of you who know me know I've never been big on cooking. I didn't know how to cook and it really kind of freaked me out. I cooked meals from boxes and was really good at throwing a frozen pizza in the oven. When I would rarely get brave enough to try and cook, I usually ruined it and would not try again for months. This did not give my family and I much variety in our diet and quiet frankly was not healthy for us. I've had stomach problems since I was a kid and it was just hurting more and more. I prayed for my stomach problems to go away. I knew I needed to get to the root of the problem and eat healthy. Believe it or not I also prayed I would learn how to cook. As a wife and a mother I felt so insufficient. I felt stupid and hated I didn't know how to cook.

Finally, this summer I had enough. The final straw is I was tired of my stomach constantly hurting and my children started having the same stomach issues. I KNEW I needed to get us all eating healthy so…I just started. With the help of a wonderful friend who gave me a great cookbook I opened it up and started picking out recipes. It used to intimidate me to go to the store and try and figure out where all the ingredients were. It was so foreign to me but I started doing it and it felt GREAT. My family are now eating fresh vegetables and meat. My husband joked the first few weeks when we would go to the grocery store because of all the fresh veggies in our cart. "What's that doing in there? Is this our cart?" I've gotten such a collection of spices I need a spice rack or a better way of organizing them. I've also noticed eating healthy has less packaging which makes less trash. As for the ultimate goal…my stomach is hurting less. Much less! It only hurts again if I eat to much processed foods. (I do love those sweets!) My husband is loving this change too. After being married seven years he finally has a wife that cooks real food. Now I can pass down to my children how to cook. This may sound silly and like a small thing but it was a huge obstacle for me to overcome. I'm so glad no prayer or problem is to small or silly for God.

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