Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Temptation - part 2

Here's the good news. In Romans 6,7, and 8 the bible tells us that we are free from sin if we have the Spirit of God living in us. It describes that battle in a person between the flesh and living according to the spirit and ends by reassuring us that we are more then conquerors in Christ Jesus. We don't have to let temptation and the fear of sin rule over us. If you're like me your sitting there saying that's great to know but it doesn't help me right now as I'm struggling with temptation. How do I defeat it? Good question. I promise you I'm getting to that. (That's actually the point of me writing this)

God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. I Corinthians 10:13b

God has certainly been faithful in leading me through this. Make no mistake about it, God IS NOT the one who tempts. (James 1:13) Temptations come from fleshly desires within us and from Satan. However, God is rooting for us to get thru our temptations and trials sinlessly. As I said God has been faithful in leading me through the particular temptation that keeps coming against me. It doesn't effect me all the time. I can go months without it bothering me but I've noticed even during those times the Lord gives me verses or someone brings up the topic in a talk or sermon or on the radio. It's like God is giving me tips on how to get through this. Providing me with more weapons to fight my battles. Here's some of the things I found out.
~Guard your heart. I mentioned it earlier but it's worth mentioning it again. The things that come in through your ears, eyes and emotions are going to effect your heart. What is in your heart effects how you live, think, and act. You should know yourself well enough to know what areas you are weaker in. Be sure to keep your highest guards on those areas.
~Put on the full armor of God. I've mentioned this one in another of my posts but I'm telling you it's not called the armor of God for nothing. We are in a battle. Aren't you glad it's called the armor of God. Not the armor of Hilary or the armor of George or Sam but the armor of GOD. There's no better armor then that!!! So put it on. Continuously. Day after day.
~Stand firm! Keep standing for what is right.
~Prayer and worship. Those are big ones. Pray for protection on your mind, on your family, on the area that's under fire. Don't forget to praise Him. Praise Him just because...He's awesome. Sing joyfully, with songs of thanksgiving. Prayer and worship help keep the right perspective on things.
~Submit yourself to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. James 4:7 If your thinking you should go one way and you know it's not God's voice because it's not what God would want for you and it doesn't line up with Scripture, turn around and run the other way. Straight into God's will.
~The last tip is confession. Talk to a friend, someone you trust and let them know of your struggle. Someone you know will love you but can tell you what you need to hear and ask you the questions you need to think of. I call that slapping you upside the head if you need it. Someone you can have accountability with and who'll encourage you to go the right way. Pray about who this person should be. God's answer may not be the one you picked but trust Him.

More tomorrow...

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