Friday, May 11, 2012

Bloom where you're planted

Lately I've been hearing the same phrase from the Lord, "Bloom where you are planted."  You see, I've been wanting to be in a different season of life other then what I'm in.  Three of my four children are little and I haven't been enjoying and embracing this season like I should.  I kept looking where other people are and wanting to be there instead.  It's like a plant wanting to be planted in the field across the street but everytime I try to go over there I get run over and become unproductive.  I don't know if you've ever seen the movie Secondhand Lions but there's a scene where the men have planted a vegetable garden from seeds a door-to-door salesman sold them.  They have each row labeled according to what vegetable they are.  Pretty soon the plants start growing and they realize they have a whole garden full of corn.  Just like the men who thought they knew what kind of plants they had, I feel like I've been trying to tell the Lord what kind of plant I am and He's just smiled knowing full well what kind of plant I am.   He knows the purpose for me and where and when He's planted me.  The harder I yell and scream at Him saying what I think I should be the more pain and heartache I inflict on myself.  Instead of running from where (and who) I am I need to embrace it and enjoy it.  I also see it like the story of the ugly duckling.  No matter how hard I try to quack or waddle like the other ducks, those people I think I should be like, I'll never quack or waddle like that because I'm not a duck!  I'm a swan.  There is beauty in gentleness and quietness of my spirit.  Actually when I try to be what I'm not I'm ugly because that's not what God created me for.  It's one thing to change the things sin has twisted in our personalities but it's another to try and change your personality.  God can reveal to you what He designed you for when you ask.  I realize now I DO want to be where I am.  I'm going to enjoy this time with my children knowing full well it is a season and won't last forever.    

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