Monday, April 23, 2012

To be like a child

My 4th child has just started walking within the last two weeks.  I've been watching him as he took a few stumlbly steps, then could walk across the room, and now wobbly walk around the house.  Each time he did better he was so proud of himself.  He'd fall but have the biggest smile on his face, joyful about his new ability.  Then he'd get back up and try again.  I thought to myself, when did we as adults lose that childlike excitement and determination that, even though we fall, we smile and get back up and try again.  Often we tell ourselves our bad qualities about ourself or beat ourself up for not getting it right.  Then we don't always get back up.  There is a time to know when enough is enough but more often then not we should smile, knowing we're learning and growing, then looking to our heavenly Father, get back up and try again. 

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