Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Our struggle...

My family and closer friends have known that for a number of years now I've dealt with depression.  It's been getting better through the years.  The closer I get to the Lord, the more I study His Word, the better it gets.  Some days are worse then others but the Lord is faithful.  In the past year and a half He's been showing me how to fight this battle.  So for those of you who deal with depression (and we all do from time to time) listen up.  These tips may help you.  One of the things the Lord 's been telling me is when those dark clouds start rushing in and the wall of depression is about to consume me, PUT UP YOUR SHIELD!!!  Your shield of faith.  Whether we like it or not we are in a spiritual battle (Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Eph. 6:12) and as christians we need to be sure to have on our armor.  So what will putting up our shield do?  Well, this is our shield of faith that we use to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. (Eph. 6:16)  Most of the times we get depressed it's because of a lie we believe as truth.  Check what your thinking with God's Word.  If your questioning your self worth, God loves you unconditionally, ALL the time.  Check your thoughts against God's Word. 
#2 DON'T isolate yourself!  Seclusion is fatal to the depressive heart.  Pick up the phone, call a trusted friend or family member, your spouse, your pastor, anyone you trust that will show you you are loved.  Talking about the way you feel strips depression of it's power and eases it's hold on you.  People were made for relationships.  To interact with each other.  Not to stay in your own little world.  It may feel safer when you've been hurt but in the end, seclusion is worse then the risk of being hurt. 
It would be a good idea to memorize scriptures that reminds you of God's love for you and how precious you are to Him.  As well as other verses that defuse the lies we buy into.  That way you are prepared with your shield AND your sharpened sword (God's Word) by your side.
Here are a few suggested verses to memorize:
Isaiah 26:3-4                                    John 14:27
Isaiah 54:17                                     Isaiah 49:16
Duet. 26:18
I pray to be healed of depression but I believe sometimes God heals you by helping you work through something.  I'm worlds from where I started.  All to the glory of God!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that was great! I'm proud of you for being so bold and putting that info. out there to help others!!!
