Saturday, April 21, 2012


Hello!  A year or two ago I had a blog but apparently I didn't write on it enough so it was deleted.  So I decided to try again. 
Yesterday I was listening to my christian radio station and a phrase kept going through my head that ended up being a poem.  I'd like to share it with you.

God will not give up on you
Maybe you've had a marriage that's failed,
God will not give up on you

Maybe you've had a parent say you're hopeless/worthless
God will not give up on you

Maybe you feel like friends have abandoned you
God will not give up on you

Maybe a pastor or church leader has hurt you, left you feeling broken or alone
God will not give up on you

Maybe you've given up on yourself
God will not give up on you

Do not be afraid of discouraged, for the LORD will go ahead of you.  He will be with you.  He will neither fail you nor abandon you.  Dueteronomy 31:8

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