Saturday, October 5, 2013


When I found out I was pregnant with my last son, I took it hard. We wanted more children but it was so soon to when I had my daughter. I didn't feel like I was ready for another baby...or another pregnancy. My pregnancies are rough on me. Between really bad morning sickness for four months or more, to my babies trying to come to early.

When I was seven months pregnant I went to a women's retreat. The speaker was talking about names. There are names and labels we have on us from the past but God also has names for us. Those names are true.

Out of a crowd of about 100-200 women she pointed out a few the Lord lead her to. She pointed to me and said you've had a hard pregnancy but the Lord says you're an overcomer. She wrote “Overcomer” on a piece of paper and gave it to me. I use it as a bookmark in my bible. Occasionally I'll come across it, usually on the days I need it most, and I remember to view myself and my life as the Lord does.

I tend to view myself and my life according to my circumstances but without troubles of life I would miss seeing the awesome power of God that reaches into my life to transform me into an overcomer. A “perfect” life sounds so appealing to me but Jesus didn't come to redeem “perfect” people. He came to redeem those who need help, for those whose lives are messy and broken. I've learned making mistakes and having heartaches in this life are nothing to be ashamed of. Jesus said, “ In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

They overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony...” Revelation 12:11

It is through Jesus we have the power to overcome. 
Overcome – To conquer: defeat. To prevail over: surmount. To affect deeply. (Webster's Dictionary) Overcoming things on our own is difficult and sometimes impossible, but with Jesus it's a whole new story. With Jesus we can overcome our fears, guilt, depression, regret... I'm not saying it's easy. I am saying God has given us a gift that because of the blood of Jesus those of us who choose to be the Lord's are sealed with the Holy Spirit. In Him there is power to live the life Christ has for us. Power to be an overcomer. 

I've had a rough week of the enemy throwing all sorts of stuff at me. Using my mind, my past and my fears against me. As my mind struggles to focus on Christ I feel a very real battle going on. It's in those moments I must choose to not only believe but to act upon the fact that, “greater is He that is in me then he that is in the world.” (I John 4:4) I must choose to believe what God says about me is true. I must cast off the things that so easily entangle me and allow His Holy Spirit to rise up in me with purpose, power and love. As I allow the Holy Spirit to rise up in me it leaves no room for the enemy to feast on my weaknesses. 

I can't think of a better way to end this post then with this very powerful video that speaks what I've been talking about.

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