Monday, August 26, 2013

When is quiet time?

For years now I have struggled with when to do my quiet time with the Lord. I am not keen on getting up early in the morning. I remember when I was a single/working mom with a full time job. I had to be at work at 8 but I had to get ready, take my daughter to daycare and commute. I kept thinking there should be a law that noone should get up so early. I eventually learned to enjoy watching the sunrise instead of complaining.

I've tried many times to get up faithfully at a set time in the morning before anyone in my family is up. Still I feel like I'm not at my best. I'm struggling to open my eyes as I'm pulling out the bible. Other times I was so anxious about waking the children I had a hard time focusing. If I didn't get up I would feel guilty. I've tried reading my bible during breakfast or even after breakfast while the kids play. That worked a few years ago but doesn't work as well anymore. Of course I have added a child (or two) since then.

I've heard some people say you should get up first thing in the morning because that's when Jesus got up to spend time alone with His Father. It's a time with less distractions. Also because it's like tithing in that you are giving Him the first portion of your day. Yet I've heard others say it doesn't matter when you spend time with the Lord. Just as long as you're doing it. What He wants is your heart. I can see both sides of it. Certainly if a person feels the Lord wants them to spend their quiet time at a specific time they should do that, but I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to get legalistic about it either.

What do you think? When do you spend your quiet time with the Lord? Have you always done it that way or has it changed as your life has changed?

I think I've decided to shower in the morning (I'm used to showering at night) just before the kids get up and pray. That will also get them out of bed a little earlier to get ready for school. So they can be waking up but still not bother me because my husband is still home and able to help with the kids. I hope it will work. Still not sure when to read my bible...

I would love to hear your thoughts.

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