Monday, July 8, 2013

The Results are In

For the past nine months my husband and I have been trying to figure out what is going on with my health.  Finally, I think we have an answer.  This journey has given me a great deal of compassion and empathy with those who have to deal with a sickness for an extended period of time.  Some even for a lifetime.  If you are one of those people I have many times prayed for you as I walked down my own path.

Our answer came when I had to do three different breathe tests.  (That sounds easy but there was more to it then what you might think.)  One of those tests recreated all my symptoms.  I knew we were on to something.  I had to wait a few weeks to get the results.  I was going to wait til I had a chance to talk to my Dr. about it in three weeks but I've told a few people already so I figured I'd let you all know what's going on.  Plus I think this is something that others suffer with and maybe this could help. 

They discovered I am lactose intolerant but the main issue is my test came back positive for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO).  We have bacteria in our large intestine but are not  supposed to have much in our small intestine.  SIBO feeds off of sugars and starches.  So any sugar or starches I eat it takes from me to feed itself and reproduces.  This has caused me to be malnourished and is why I was losing weight.  Going on a gluten-free diet caused the bacteria to have less to feed off of.  That's why I stopped losing weight and also why going gluten-free helped me but did not completely take care of all my symptoms.  I'm still eating corn, rice, sugar and other starches. 

The Dr. wants me to take some antibiotics for about two weeks however the antibiotics are very expensive and often times you need to take more then one round of them.  We don't have the money to do that but I learned through doing some research that you can starve the bacteria by changing your diet.  It's a strict change and takes 18 months to three years to starve them out.  As I was looking up what I could and could not eat it was very overwhelming to me.  I really need to talk to a dietician but for now I'm just going to stay with a gluten-free diet. 

I've been asked what causes this.  From what I can see it can be several different things.  People with certain illnesses are more susceptible to SIBO.  Celiac Disease is one of those that are more susceptible.  They have not been able to determine if I have Celiac Disease or not because I went on the gluten-free diet before they did any of the tests.  I didn't realize that would mess up the tests.  I was just anxious to get my symptoms to stop.  Also when a person has constipation it introduces bad bacteria.  When you have diarrhea it strips out the good bacteria.  So any sickness you get that causes those can set you up for this bacteria to start growing.  The nurse was telling me it's important to take probiotics to help get some balance back. 

SIBO is the main underlying cause for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) but often goes undiagnosed.  If you suffer from IBS it may be worth it to see if SIBO is to blame.  You can get rid of it.  Ask your Dr. to get tested.  There is also a lot of great information on the internet about it.  I always check several different sources of information and try to make sure the sources are reliable.

I'm very thankful that we've found the source of the problem.  I still believe the Lord will heal me.  That could be divine healing or the use of doctors but whatever way He chooses I will give glory to Him.  He has walked with me through all of this and will never leave me.   It can be scary to know your body isn't functioning correctly but not know why.  It was scary to put on clothes that fit two weeks ago but now fall off of you.  I know that sounds great to some people but when it continuously happens and you know it's because something is not right in your body it's scary.  It's hard to have days you feel so sick but don't know why.  It's those moments I would strain to listen to the voice of truth.  Reading the Bible and listening for His voice puts me back on solid ground.  My quiet time has been invaluable to me.  Although I don't always get up when I should and sometimes don't get that time alone.  I always miss it when that happens.  Thank you Lord for standing with me.  For holding me up and reminding me you are with me.

My husband has also been awesome with all of this.  Some days I just didn't want to talk to any more Dr. offices and he would step in and talk to them for me.  He has done all the financial footwork which is an amazing story that's still being written.  My husband has also not let me ignore my symptoms and has helped me dig in further.  Thanks for watching out for me babe.  I don't think I would have gotten this far without him. 

I hope this has helped some people out and I will add to any information my Dr. gives me in a few weeks.

Praise the Lord, O my soul and forget not all his benefits - who forgives all your sins and heals all you diseases.                     Psalm 103:2-3      


1 comment:

  1. Praying full healing and grace over the changes in your diet, Hilary. Glad to know you.
