Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Summer Lessons

It's been awhile since I've written on my blog. I've been relearning some lessons this summer...the hard way.

My husband and I started out the summer frustrated with our financial situation. We were watching our list of needs and wants grow with no idea when we would be able to check things off. It was a time of testing for our hearts. Were we going to be angry with God or trust Him in everything? We both came to trusting Him again. At the same time we've seen God perform money miracles with all my medical expenses though they came subtly and the worries of life could have easily drowned the miracles out. We did recognize God's hand moving. The main thing I learned going through all of this is, a lot of it is about perspective.

To seal this idea in my mind I believe God had me go through a fun object lesson with my daughter. My family and I were driving into Omaha and my 4 year old daughter says, “I have to go potty.” UGH...We were on a part of the road where there wasn't a bathroom for awhile. By the way she was squirming around in her car seat I knew she wasn't going to last long. We were just crossing the river and my husband and I both remembered a new little outhouse building that was built by the river not to long ago. We had to stop there. It was right off the road. As we were walking to the car from her new outhouse experience I took a moment and noticed the beauty of the river and the trees. It was so nice and peaceful there. Like I could sit and relax awhile. It wasn't far from the hustle and bustle of the busy highway. We could see the road from where we were. We drive that road every Sunday on our way to church. The river never looked quite this beautiful and inviting from the road. It was so interesting how a little change in perspective changed everything. It's the same way with our finances. We had to change the way we looked at it. Instead of focusing on what we didn't have, we now focus on how grateful we are for all we do have, both material and non material things. We (my husband and I) are thankful for our family, for our church (which is like family to us), for each other, and mostly to be able to serve our awesome Lord Jesus. As far as the rest, God takes care of us and we will trust Him to direct our paths and supply our needs.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17

Something I've relearned is to not worry about what others say or do. It seems I've learned this, then a few months later I have to relearn it...then learn it again... Praise the Lord that He is patient with me.

It doesn't matter what someone says about me. What God says about me is what's true. Everyone else may have their opinions but only God's words are truth. Only His words should I take to heart. People's words can be toxic and deadly to us. Especially when I chew on it and stew on it and get angry... It can be all consuming and UGLY. If those words were not breathed through a heart of love I do not and should not allow them to plant seeds in my heart. God doesn't only tell us lovely words but also words of correction. When correction comes though, it is done in a life giving way. If what someone is saying to you doesn't match God's word, dismiss it and don't let it ruin your day or steal your joy.

I've learned that I need to evaluate what is best for my family and do that rather then being influenced by what other people are doing with their families. Only I understand what season(s) I'm in right not and how much I can handle. I need to remember that I need to only answer to Jesus for how I spend my time. Not anybody else. For myself, I've find simplicity is better. I've learned to go to the Lord and ask if I should spend my time in certain ways. Father knows best.

Along with that there have been times in my life when I've ached to be closer to certain people or groups of people and didn't understand why it wasn't happening. I've learned that the end result may not have been good or God wants to use me there but not yet. My usefulness may have been cut short if I jumped in with both feet now. Whatever the reason if the Holy Spirit isn't leading that way you don't go there. There is blessing where the Spirit leads. Otherwise you're using your own strength and that gets you nowhere but frustrated. God knows what He's doing.

An essential lesson I learned is I MUST spend quality time with Jesus every morning. The Christian walk is SO much more then being forgiven. It's dying to yourself daily, loving like Christ does and living like our servant King. I can't do that without spending time with Him. For me that means getting up about the time the sun does, so I can have time before everyone in my house wakes up. That's a hard thing for me to do every day. I usually do good for awhile then stop. I can't stop! I need Him every day, all day!

Lastly I've learned I can not become isolated.  That can be easy to do during the summer when bible studies and other groups I normally go to break for the summer.  It's also easy to get stuck in the demands of every day life with little ones.  However, though I need to get out I still need to keep my balance between busyness and being productive, between activity and worthwhile things.  Learning balances and boundaries are not always easy but good things to learn.

1 comment:

  1. Loved reading this- it's so true how our lives can be changed by the perspective God wants US to see! Thanks for shedding the light on this and what God is doing in your lives together!
