Saturday, June 22, 2013

Life Is Good

Of all the places I've been in my life I have to say that this moment in time is my favorite. Yeah, sure I have financial issues and the unanswered question of what's my body doing but I have to say, life really is good. I have a great husband who loves me and treats me well. More importantly he loves God and lives what he believes. I have four beautiful, smart children and a home to call my own. That was quite a miracle. By the world's standards we shouldn't own a home but God is awesome so here I sit. I can walk, I can run, I can speak, I can shout for joy which is what I've chosen to do today. 

God loves the praises of His people. There's something about praise. Even if it takes everything you've got to praise, you get a little stronger. Then you praise more and get more strength...and on and on. Isn't God great that way. We feel like we are giving but when we give to God He gives back to us.
Yesterday I visited with one of the pastors from church and he made a point that was very freeing for me. God doesn't condemn us when we go to Him with our complaints. Look at David and all those who wrote the Psalms. There are many complaints in there and it was okay. He doesn't love us more today because we didn't struggle as much. He loves us the same every day. The fact we struggle is a positive. It means we're fighting against flesh and worldly thoughts rather than going with them. We're fighting because we know God is greater and has created us to be greater then what the world has to offer. It's okay to tell God your struggling. He can relate because He to had a body and daily needs that needed to be met. If these daily struggles press us closer to the Lord then I'll praise Him all the more. Just be cautious to not let these struggles push you away from God rather then to Him. He is a good God and He IS for us, not against us.   

1 comment:

  1. I'm really thankful for this today, Hilary. Thank you for sharing it.
