Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Night's landscape

Last week my husband and I were able to get a sitter for the kids and we enjoyed the evening together at his cousin's wedding. The wedding and reception were at a ballroom in the middle of the country, between cornfields. Not a place I would have looked to find a ballroom but it was beautiful . When we were driving home I was noticing how different the landscape appeared against the night sky. I know in my mind that everything is as it was in the day yet it looked so different. The few buildings that had lights along the gravel paths of the country roads really shone brightly. I noticed so much more detail on and around those building then I did during the daylight. Actually I barely even noticed those buildings were there during the day.

They say a persons character really shines through, whether good or bad, when they are faced with difficult circumstances or stressful situations. What is on the inside, at the heart of the person, will come out in those moments. During a normal day, in the stability of our western culture, these characteristics don't normally shine through and the beautiful details of a person can go unnoticed like a building on a country road in plain daylight. Put it against the backdrop of darkness however and the details and character of a persons heart will shine. Just like the stars at night. We don't see their beauty during the day because the sun is to bright and blocks them, but at night they shine gloriously. The darker the night, the fuller their beauty.

For all those who are storing up the treasure of God's Word in your heart and allowing God to mold you into what He wants you to be, know that there is a time coming that God has purposed for you to shine like stars in our darkened world. It may be that the people we run into during the week are going through a difficult time and we are the one to shine the light of Jesus at just the right time to help them through the next hour of their night. You never know what someone may be going through. You never know when you may be the one with a hardpressing situation that draws out what is in you. We can be ready for those moments by diving in the Word of God EVERY day and allowing Him to shape us as we surrender to Him. If you feel like those buildings that in the light of day were barely noticed, remember God knows you're there. Continue to shine brightly for Him. When darkness comes you will be a beautiful place of refuge. A fortress of rest.

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