Friday, September 21, 2012

My mothering reality

     A mom on my MOPS facebook page posted this.  This is so great I wanted to share it with you in case any of you are feeling this way.

I LOVE this!  I can SOOO relate.  When I read this I started sobbing.  Not crying...sobbing.  It hit the nail more on the head then I thought it would.  These last few weeks I have felt so overwhelmed.  I've felt like a failure.  I'm not sure if it's the ages of my children or that I have four children or homeschooling that brought all this on.  I felt like I was going through this alone although I was sure other mothers have felt this at some time.  God totally answered my prayer when I read this blog because I wanted...I needed to know for sure I wasn't the only one who felt like this.  I'm not going off my rocker. 

I like to encourage others and try to have a positive note on my conversations and my facebook status but don't think for a moment that doesn't mean that I don't need a pep talk or encouraging words. 

My house is noisy, very noisy and my dishes pile up.  My laundry is often behind.  I think it's funny when my mom or another empty nester tells me today is their laundry day.  I can't image a world like that.  Every day is laundry day at my house.  I have a hard time getting things folded.  If I need a towel or washcloth I try to find one out of the clean basket because I figure that's one less thing I need to fold. 

Parenting is hard.  With three of my kids so close in age I feel like I just get out of one stage and I'm back in it again with the next child.  Parenting is hard....but I love it.  I love being a mom and I love my kiddos so so SO much.  It is challenging having four but I can't imagine life without a single one.  But I do get overwhelmed from time to time.  I end up crying hard every couple of months and those times can be hard. 

I'm not saying this for a pity party or for you to feel sorry for me.  I want to be honest with you and give you a glimpse at the reality of my life.  For some reason I think some might be surprised at these things.  Really we moms and women have a lot more in common then we might think we do.  I hope to encourage someone else who may be going through this moment in their life.  You're not the only one!  I can understand.  I can relate.  I was talking to a friend yesterday and discovered she had been feeling this way for awhile too.  I had no idea she was going through this now.

The only thing I'd like to add to the link I posted was you can do it with Christ's help.  On my own I don't think I could do mothering and homeschooling, housekeeping and being a wife.  Only with the God's help can I do any of this. 

Please feel free to leave a comment if you've been feeling this way too.  It's good to know we aren't alone.

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