Sunday, August 12, 2012

Why does Luke get a cookie mom?

The other day I was in my kitchen with my one and a half year old son on my hip.  It was dinner time so I was looking in the cupboard to gather the things I needed for dinner.  My son saw the last chocolate chip cookie we had in the cupboard and pointed to it.  He just got up from his nap and didn't have a snack so I gave it to him.  A couple minutes later my five year son came in and saw his brother with a cookie.  He had asked me for a snack not long before that but he's always asking for food.  (It's true boys eat a lot.)  My 5 year old said, "Why does Luke get a cookie mom?" 

His question frustrated me.  In my mind I thought "Does it matter?"  Then I thought, I wonder if God feels like that with us.  Sometimes we see someone with a talent or gift that God gave them that we wish we had.  Or maybe success in an area we've been trying so hard to get success in.  When we see our brother or sister with those God given things we ask the question my 5 year old son asked.  God, why did you give them such a beautiful voice?  Why haven't I been given the opportunity to minister like her?  And on and on we could go.  I know I've been guilty of this. 

As a parent I know the flood of thoughts that came through my head.  Does it really matter that Luke got a cookie and you didn't?  I feed you and give you things you want sometimes just because I love you.  But in that moment, that moment of selfishness, those things aren't remembered.  Only the injustice we feel has been done to us in this moment, is remembered.

Another thought that went through my head was, "Even if I told you would you really understand?"  In my son's 5 year old mind he doesn't have the capacity to understand the full picture of things.  We are the same in the Lord's eyes.  WE are the child.  HE  is the Father.  There's no way our minds can understand the fullness of the reasons why He does the things He does when He does them.  And quite honestly, He doesn't owe us an explanation.  But He does deserve our trust.

Or maybe we're feeling, as sometimes our children do, that our Father loves one of the other children more then us.  Even if we know in our minds that's not true, sometimes it may feel that way.  Our minds think we see the proof that "they" are loved more.  After all look at what they got and I didn't.  Yet we forget all the times He has given us something or showed us His love.

Next time you're tempted to wonder why God didn't give you something, know that He hasn't forgotten you and that He loves you more deeply then you could possibly think or imagine.  In the meantime rejoice with those who are rejoicing.  Be happy with your brother or sister in Christ.  God will bring the things to you in the right time.  In His time.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.  As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."  Isaiah 55:8-9   

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